Wednesday 23 April 2014

The HTML5 Game

Here is the HTML5 version of the game. Notice: Sometimes text does not load in HTML5 version, but sometimes it does so I think this is on Gamesalad's end.

Wednesday 9 April 2014

DVD Case Cover

The DVD case below is in black and white to fit in with the horror theme.
If I did this again I would redo the back to have more detail like an actual retail case.

Wednesday 5 March 2014

Design Document

The Haunting of 13 Rosebush House: The Game
Design Document

Pitch: A visual horror novel with fear gauge.

Title: The title is the same as my short story that it is based upon, ‘The Haunting of 13 Rosebush House’. I picked this title as ‘The Haunting of’ implies it is a horror and contains ghosts and so does the 13. But ‘Rosebush House’ is the misleading title of the house (although it does look nice from the outside). Rosebush House and its misleading exterior shows you can't judge a book by its cover.

Concept: A visual novel set around my short story of the same name. The user will be presented with multiple choices throughout the game, which will affect the outcome. There will also be a “fear gage” which will be affected by the choice you make. If you get to scared you will lose the game. It will be playable as an application or as a HTML5 browser based game.

Story: A ghost story with a twist (one of the ghosts is the ghost of a serial killer), based on my short story of the same title.

Technology: Will initial be design to run on OS X and HTML5 compatible web browsers, but could be ported to other devices such as iPad at a later date.

Visual Style and Colour Scheme: The game will be 2D and will use mostly Black and Dark Red as its colour scheme as they suits the horror genre well.

: The game will have a theme music track that will be suitable to the genre and could even be used on a horror film.

Navigation: The game will be be basic and simple to navigate as is the case with most visual novels. You simply click on the choice you wish to make, or in the case of a touch device you press with one finger.

Monday 10 February 2014

The Theme Music

I made the theme music the latest version of Garageband (10.0.2), a music making program by Apple for OS X. I of-course made to fit in the the horror genre and so it has a dark rough sound, which I think fits the genre.

Although in the end it maybe does not sound much like for the music I was in inspired by the music from my favourite horror/comedy The Return of the Living Dead.

The making of it went very well and I quite enjoyed making the theme music. If I did anything different it would be to make it a little longer and a little more varied and I feel it is a little too repetitive.

Friday 3 January 2014

Examples of Similar Games

Bionic Heart and Bionic Heart 2

- Dialog -

- Reputation -

- Multiple Choices -

Under a Killing Moon (Tex Murphy)

- Story -

- Dialog/Choices -